Timeless Lifeskills

The three primary colours red, green, and blue can be mixed to create millions of colours. Likewise, once the students ‘yearn-to-learn’, ‘learn-to-learn’, and ‘learn-to-think’ they become self-directed learners who can learn hundreds of skills. Our programmes are designed to help the students learn these Timeless Lifeskills so that they become capable of reinventing themselves as per circumstances and in turn ‘learn to be’  joyful.

About Us

Since 2013, Timeless Lifeskills Foundation has been working with rural schools in India helping the students become Future-Ready and Life-Ready.

We have worked with 20+ rural schools spread across Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Assam, and Arunachal Pradesh. 

We have set-up STEM 2.0 Labs in many of these schools and provided training to the students and teachers on Coding, Robotics, AI & Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, Internet of Things and more.

Our Workshops

A short video on the workshops conducted in September 2024 at Manjushree Vidyapeeth, a rural school located in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, India.


Free Online Courses

Courses in Hindi

Courses in English

YouTube Channels

Hindi Videos

3D Visual Effects in Scratch #shortsScratch Factors GameOdd or Even Game in Scratch (in Hindi)Times Table Game in Scratch (in Hindi)Guess the Number Game in Scratch (in Hindi)Simple Addition Subtraction Game in Scratch (in Hindi)How to Construct and Code a Mecanum Wheels Bot with Arduino (in Hindi)Mecanum Wheels Explanation (in Hindi)

English Videos

1.0 An Open Mind - Learning to Think1.1 An Open Mind - Introduction1.2 Self-Organising Brain1.3 Hampering Heuristics1.4 Problem with Perception1.5 More About Bias1.6 Selective Attention, Auditory Illusions1.7 Ever Exploring Never Concluding


Students' Gratitude

Media Coverage