Timeless Lifeskills Foundation

STEM 2.0 Labs & Digital Media Clubs

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By doing hands-on projects using STEM 2.0 Labs and Digital Media Clubs students learn skills that make them future-ready.

STEM 2.0 Lab

Laboratories in most schools have equipment that is needed for doing experiments that adhere to the prescribed syllabus and the syllabus itself is seldom aligned with acquisition of skills relevant to the fast changing, technology-led economic environment.

Our STEM 2.0 Labs expose students to emerging technologies like robotics, AR-VR, Internet of Things, digital media literacy and so forth. 

In STEM 2.0 labs, students learn by doing hands-on project-based work. These labs allow creation of Lifeskills Clubs in schools where students do projects that are more complex, of longer duration and require collaboration. Doing longer-term projects helps the students learn life skills like planning, decision-making, time and resource management team work and more.

The projects done in our STEM 2.0 labs are real-world aligned (something that prescribed syllabus seldom is). For example, students learn animation, graphic design, website creation, app design, game design, AR-VR and more, which are all Vocational Skills 2.0. The labs also equip the students to tackle issues relevant in their local context like experiments on precision agriculture, smart irrigation etc (see the Case Studies below).

We envisage that creation of Lab 2.0 and Tinkering Clubs in rural schools will enable the students to take part in national and global STEM competitions and challenges. Simply taking part will enhance their efficacy and help them learn life skills like risk-taking and resilience.

Why Clubs

Having the right skills to create value whatever shape the future takes, thus remaining employable and entrepreneurial. Having the right mental dispositions to stay healthy and joyful and lead a purposeful life.

Technology is changing the complexion of the economy yet again and students need to learn skills and dispositions that will not only take them towards the high-skill, high-wage end of the jobs spectrum but also prepare them to lead a healthy, joyful, and purposeful life.

Skills like graphic design, animation, film-making, AR-VR design, app design, game design, coding and more.

Skills like learning-to-learn, learning-to-think, problem-solving, decision-making, collaboration, emotional intelligence, empathy, learning-to-be and more.

Technology is transforming the employment and entrepreneurship landscape. Students need to be aware of the new opportunities that will arise in the coming decades and how they need to prepare themselves to make the most of these new opportunities.

Our Support

Since 2013, we have been visiting rural schools in India to conduct hands-on workshops where we have been giving equipment like tablets, laptops, STEM 2.0 kits and more to help rural schools impart project-based learning and give their students an opportunity to learn 21st-century life skills in fun ways.

Case Study #1: Short-Film on Drug Abuse

Case Study #2: Real-World Problem Solving

Case Study #3: School Website


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