Can we distinguish the ‘functions’ of a good teacher from the ‘form’ of a teacher (form vs function – a table has certain essential functions but can take many forms). If so, can the ‘functions’ of a teacher be delivered in ‘forms’ beyond what we usually conceive of as a ‘teacher’?
I recently visited some remote parts of India where teachers are scarce but mobile phone and Dish TV is common (which I think will also be true at many other places in the world). Thus, the importance of looking at different ‘forms’ that can be used to deliver the ‘functions’ of a teacher.
1. Parent as a Teacher
Parents are, usually, most concerned about their kids. Can the ‘functions’ of a teacher be imbibed by parents, especially in places where there is a paucity of teachers. What role can ubiquitously available technology play in helping parents become teachers?
2. Student as a Teacher
I personally feel that the most essential ‘function’ of a teacher is to fire-up a ‘yearning to learn’ in their students and help the students ‘learn to self-learn’. In what all ‘forms’ can this essence of a teacher be made available to students, especially those who don’t have access to regular teachers?