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Join this 6-week online course and learn how to build your

Capability, Competence and Capacity to Learn

Course Content

Week-1: The Why and What of Self-directed Learning

We explain what is self-directed learning and what does it take to become a self-directed learner – the dispositions. We explore why is it important to become a self-directed learner for success today, and in the future.

Week-2: Learner Know Thyself

We dwell deeper into key dispositions – intrinsic motivation, emotional resilience, questing and elements of self-awareness. Since every learner is unique, your learning will be best when you create for yourself a personal learning environment that suits you most.

Week-3: The Rider and the Elephant

Knowing a disposition is one thing. Putting it into practice is quite another. We know! So we share techniques to help you imbibe these dispositions. One has to constantly work for the desired behavioural change and propel oneself against the gravitation like pull of complacency, to achieve ‘escape velocity’.

Week-4: Voracious Knowledge Acquisition

Knowledge acquisition is necessary but no longer sufficient to excel. You need to have deep comprehension. We deconstruct the a-ha moment and take a peak at the neuroscience of learning. In an age of information explosion, it would be impossible to ‘know’ everything. Deep learning, insights and connecting the dots to create new ideas is more critical.

Week-5: Make Learning Fun for Yourself

We explain how you can become a networked learner and make learning fun for yourself by using MOOCs and other Open Educational Resources available online, many for free. The benefits of engaging with the minds of a number of fellow explorers far exceeds engagement with only one ‘sage on the stage’.

Week-6: Develop an Inner Compass

If you give ballast to a ship pointing in the wrong direction you go astray faster! We end the course by looking at the larger purpose of education that should be the beacon of all self-directed learners. Going beyond exams and degrees, we draw attention to what being a ‘human’ could mean – becoming a perpetual explorer in the world of learning.

Course Structure


Every week you will receive three emails.

Online Forum

Discussion on topics covered.


Every week you will receive one podcast.

Resource Bank

Curated links to videos, games, apps and more.

Learning Portfolio

You will create a ‘User Manual of Me – What Makes Me a Better Learner’. Every week we will post a question to make you pause and ponder about how you learn best.

Course Architects

Prof M.M. Pant

Prof M.M. Pant

is an educationist pursuing new pedagogy, technology, tools and curricula for educating for behavioural change to prosper, flourish and thrive in the future. He has a special interest in encouraging self-learning and leveraging social media and bringing tablets, mobile and other handhelds into the classroom in a framework named ``Learning 221: Learning for the 2nd Decade of the 21st Century”. He has been a former Pro-Vice Chancellor, IGNOU and on the faculty of IIT, Kanpur, MNIT Allahabad and Faculty University of Western Ontario, Canada.




is the founder of London-based social enterprise, Timeless Lifeskills, that provides innovative elearning solutions to impart life skills needed for success and well-being in the 21st century, and beyond. He has authored two books - Fire Up the Learner Within and Only the Curious Shall Thrive, created tons of multimedia content under Creative Commons license – SlideShare presentations, YouTube videos and conducted numerous workshops for students and teachers.


Course Details

Is this course for you?

This course is for you if you are a 16-20 year old student, eager to learn. Typically about to finish school education, or just entered into higher education.

Course Prerequisites

A yearning to learn! And, internet connectivity plus a device like smart-phone, tablet, PC or Mac.

Course Information

Course Title: Über Smart, Autonomous, Self-directed Learner
Course Start Date: 14th January 2015
Duration: 6 weeks

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